Judging a party by the state of its buffet has always been a hobby of mine, you can really learn a lot about a person solely based on the buffet equation, which is E + V x N = S
E = Effort - Self explanatory really. Effort shows, some quality ingredients here, a nice garnish there, a handy selection of condiments to supplement acute flavours over yonder. It all counts.
V = Variety - If you can fit one of everything onto a 9 inch paper plate then there is too little.
N = Nostalgia - Now this is maybe the most important part. Its all well and good having miniature venison Scotch Eggs, Swordfish Fingers and Smoked Salmon Blinis BUT you need your buffet to, in some part, resemble a 5 year old's birthday party. I'm talking the classics; the cheese and pineapple hedgehog, tiny sandwiches with no crusts, shit crisps with all the flavours mixed in one bowl...and the mother of all buffet items, Party Rings. No single buffet is complete without Party Rings. FACT.
S = Success - Combine these three with a subtle mix of delicacy and you'll have it.
I have a Royal Wedding Party to go to on friday, and I have a great idea for a contemporary twist on a classic british dish, but its a surprise so you'll just have to keep guessing....watch this space.
Biff x